The Scramble for Africa

  1. 3. Europe took ... from Africa
  2. 5. The myth of the golden ...
  3. 7. The Ashanti traded in ...
  4. 8. Countries competing to be the most powerful
  5. 11. Europe built these in Africa to transport people and goods
  6. 12. an epidemic that was brought to Africa from Europe
  7. 13. Medicine that helped Europe fight malaria
  8. 14. Europe took materials form Africa and sold it to ... for profit
  9. 15. A cause for colonialism was ... Disasters
  1. 1. came to Africa to convert people to Christianity
  2. 2. This country colonised Angola
  3. 4. The process of taking over other countries
  4. 6. Colonised the Ashanti Kingdom
  5. 9. The word for King in Ashanti
  6. 10. Who led the Berling Conference
  7. 11. Judging people by the colour of their skin