  1. 3. ... industries include hotels, restaurants, etc.
  2. 4. The most popular type of tourism.
  3. 6. The secondary sector tansforms raw materials into ... products.
  4. 10. ... farming consists on growing crops.
  5. 12. ... are products that are bought from other countries.
  6. 13. The tertiary sector is also known as the ... sector.
  7. 14. Tourism belongs in the ... sector.
  8. 15. Factories belong in the ... sector.
  9. 16. Type of fishing that happens in the deep sea.
  1. 1. Cattle farming belongs in this sector.
  2. 2. The industry that makes metals (part of the heavy industries).
  3. 5. This is where many miners work.
  4. 7. ... trade is trade between countries.
  5. 8. ... systems move people and products around Spain.
  6. 9. ... trade is trade within a country.
  7. 11. ... crops need lots of water.