The Serpent's Secret
- 1. Kiran's cousin, she smells like honey
- 5. what they use to find their way through the evermoving land forms
- 8. Neel's younger brother and the prince.
- 9. What Tuntuni likes to ask and kiran likes to solve
- 10. Neel's mom and she tries to eat lal and mati
- 11. The flying horse that neel rides
- 13. Doing something despite difficulty
- 1. Kiran's birth mother
- 2. The flying horse that kiran rides the most
- 3. A demon that takes Kiran's parents
- 4. half rakkhosh and half human. Kiran's friend
- 6. king's adviser and a talking bird
- 7. Daughter of the snake and the moon
- 12. Kiran's birth father