  1. 7. Set of all ordered pairs from A to B
  2. 9. Set of all possible values
  3. 10. No Set
  4. 11. Cardinality of countable ordinal number set
  5. 16. Both sets have the same members
  6. 17. The number of elements of set A
  7. 18. When set A is included to set B
  8. 19. contains all the elements of another set
  9. 21. A combination of real numbers and imaginary numbers
  10. 24. They do not include zero or negative values
  11. 25. When set A is not present in Set B
  12. 26. Denotes that one set is not present in another set
  1. 1. A set that contains all the elements of one/both sets
  2. 2. There's no existence of set
  3. 3. A one set
  4. 4. The collection of two elements
  5. 5. A special set of numbers comprising zero, negative values, and positive values
  6. 6. Objects that belong to set A and B
  7. 8. Objects that belong to A and B but not to their intersection
  8. 12. Infinite cardinality of natural number set
  9. 13. Set if real numbers
  10. 14. Objects that belong to A and not B
  11. 15. If set B contains atleast one that is not present in set A
  12. 20. All the objects that do not belong to set A
  13. 22. All subset of A
  14. 23. A collection of elements