The Shakespeare Stealer

  1. 2. The doctor was very?
  2. 3. Dr.Bright studied at Cambridge
  3. 9. Places like this beyond England
  4. 10. Something I used for eating
  5. 12. each was eaten __ upon the back of the horse.
  6. 15. The strange man__ out the door
  7. 16. The town Dr.Bright adopted me in
  8. 17. the man that adopted me
  1. 1. I was placed here
  2. 4. Does it work?
  3. 5. what was holding the potions?
  4. 6. My name
  5. 7. A surprising tone the stranger spoke in
  6. 8. he jerked me by my hand _?
  7. 9. When I_ of the saddle
  8. 11. My _ was unreliable once we past that point
  9. 13. I was taught to write in English and?
  10. 14. I had no__ to where I was being taken