"The Shape Of Love: The Cross" | John 15:9-14 Bible Study ✞-word Puzzle

  1. 2. Loving obedience to the Lord should not be a pain; it should give us ___ (Jn 15:11; Ps 19:8).
  2. 4. In this context, ___ were confidantes who could be entrusted with privileged information and business (Jn 15:14-15; Ex 33:11). Even today, we only disclose certain things to those who are close.
  3. 7. True love is shaped like the ___ (vertical love for God, horizontal love for others).
  4. 8. Love does not celebrate unrighteousness or ___ (1 Cor 13:6; Rom 12:9).
  5. 9. They say, “hurt people hurt people”. Well, ___ people should love people (cf. Jn 15:9, 12).
  6. 10. Saint ___ was a 3rd century priest who was interrogated by Roman Emperor Claudius II before being beheaded on February 14th around 270 AD. He was martyred for refusing to renounce the Christian faith and forsake persecuted Christians.
  7. 11. ___ for the Lord entails obedient devotion to Him (Jn 8:31, 14:15, 21, 23-24) above anyone and anything else (Jn 12:25; Mt 10:37-39; Mk 8:34-35; Lk 14:25-27).
  8. 12. Love (for God and for others) is the greatest ____ (Mt 22:35-40).
  9. 13. We ought to love the Lord because He ___ loved us (Rom 5:8; Jn 3:16; 1 Jn 4:19).
  1. 1. We shouldn’t run away from our Heavenly Father and try to do our own thing. We should obey because the Lord seeks to work everything out for our ___ (Rom 8:28-29).
  2. 3. Love is a ___ of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-23). If we truly have the Root of the Spirit, we should bear the ___ of the Spirit.
  3. 5. True Christ-like love entails ____ for the good of others (Jn 15:13; cf. 1 Jn 3:16).
  4. 6. We must follow Jesus’ example by being lovingly ____ to the Father (Jn 15:10; cf. Jn 4:34, 6:38, 14:30-31).
  5. 10. We must remain closely connected to Christ through our obedience – as branches remain connected to a vine (Jn 15:9-10; cf. Jn 15:1-8).