The Skeletal System

  1. 1. abnormal softening of bones in adults
  2. 5. a marked loss of bone density associated with aging
  3. 8. surgeon,
  4. 11. valgus, an abnormal enlargement of the joint at the base of the great toe
  5. 13. an abnormal increase in the forward curvature of the lumbar spine
  6. 14. surgical suturing or wiring together of bones
  7. 16. fracture, a fracture in which the bone is broken and there is an open wound in the skin
  8. 17. fracture, a fracture in which the bone is splintered or crushed
  9. 19. an inflammation of the cartilage that connects a real to the sternum
  10. 24. rheumatoid arthritis, an auto immune disorder affecting children age of 16 or younger
  11. 29. arthritis, a chronic autoimmune disorder in which the sin of IO membranes in other body tissue are inflamed and thickened
  12. 31. vertebroplasty, treatment of osteoporosis related compression fracture by injecting bone cement to stabilize compression fractures
  13. 34. abnormal softening of the cartilage
  14. 35. inflammation of bone
  15. 38. inflammation of the periosteum
  16. 40. fracture, occurs when a weakened bone breaks under normal strain
  17. 41. a degenerative disorder that can cause the loss of normal spinal structure and function
  18. 42. paint of the loom bar region of the spine
  1. 2. the partial displacement of a bone from its joint
  2. 3. necrosis, an area of bone tissue death caused by insufficient blood flow
  3. 4. the grating sound heard when the ends of a broken bone move together
  4. 5. the surgical fracture of a bone to correct a deformity
  5. 6. a deficiency occur in children involving defective bone growth due to vitamin D deficiency,
  6. 7. fracture, a fracture in which the bone has been twisted apart
  7. 9. the inner then average bone density
  8. 10. x-ray absorptiometry, a low exposure radiographic measure of the spine and hips to measure bone density
  9. 12. visual examination of the internal structure of a join using an arthroscope
  10. 15. a substitute for eight disease or missing body part
  11. 18. hip fracture, blouse of bone density hand increase in bone porosity there is associated with aging
  12. 20. the type of arthritis most common associated with aging
  13. 21. bifida, a congenital defect that occurs during early pregnancy
  14. 22. a type of arthritis characterized by deposits of uric acid crystals in the joint
  15. 23. inflammation of the bone marrow an adjacent bone
  16. 25. rheumatica, hey Geo at Rick inflammatory disorder of the muscles and joints characterized by pain stiffness
  17. 26. an abnormal increase in the outward curvature of the thoracic spine
  18. 27. a mechanical appliance such as a leg brace or splint designed to control limb function
  19. 28. surgical loosening of an ankylosed join
  20. 30. the surgical removal of a lamina from a vertebrae
  21. 32. a surgical procedure to stiffen a joint
  22. 33. an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine
  23. 36. fixation, fracture treatment in which pins or a plate or place directly into the bone
  24. 37. a type of cancer death occurs in blood making sales of the red bone marrow
  25. 39. disease, a chronic bone disease of unknown calls characterized by an normal breakdown of bone tissue