The Skeletal System

  1. 8. The neurotransmitter that tells the muscle it's time to contract
  2. 9. Smooth and sustained contractions due to rapid stimulation of the muscle without relaxation
  3. 14. The cell membrane (plasma membrane) of a muscle cell
  4. 15. A single, brief jerky contraction of a muscle fiber
  5. 16. Increasing the angle between two bones beyond 180 degrees
  6. 17. Increasing the angle between two bones
  7. 19. The functional unit of skeletal muscle
  8. 21. Type of muscle contraction in which the length of the muscle stays the same but the tension increases
  9. 22. The myofilament attached at the Z line
  10. 23. A cord-like connecting structure created by the epimysium fusing together at the end of a muscle
  11. 27. The high energy molecule that fuels muscle contraction
  12. 28. The myofilament attached at the M line
  13. 30. The forearm rotates laterally so the palm faces anteriorly (or up)
  14. 33. A sheet-like connecting structure created by the epimysium fusing together at the end of a muscle
  15. 37. Acetylcholine binds to a _________ on the muscle fiber's sarcolemma
  16. 38. A molecule that can hold extra phosphate like a "backup battery"
  17. 39. Elevating the foot so that the superior surface approaches the shin
  18. 40. Muscle tone is the state of continuous partial _________
  19. 41. Turning the sole of the foot outward
  20. 42. The chemical that causes the regulatory elements to move away from actin
  1. 1. Type of muscle with intercalated disc and branching cells
  2. 2. Decreasing the angle between two bones
  3. 3. The forearm rotates medially so the palm faces posteriorly (or down)
  4. 4. The only type of muscle that is voluntary
  5. 5. The body system that controls the muscular system
  6. 6. The long strands of proteins inside muscle fibers
  7. 7. Moving a limb away from the midline
  8. 10. The connective tissue covering of a muscle
  9. 11. The band that gets smaller when a muscle contracts (also called the I band)
  10. 12. Muscle cells are so long and thin they are called muscle ______
  11. 13. Turning the sole of the foot inward
  12. 18. The band that contains both actin and myosin
  13. 20. Actin and myosin are examples of this
  14. 22. Moving a limb toward the midline
  15. 24. The connective tissue covering of a muscle fiber
  16. 25. Pointing the toes away from the head is called _____ flexion
  17. 26. The type of muscle with the slowest contractions
  18. 29. Where a neuron and muscle fiber synapse (meet) is called a _____ junction
  19. 31. A bundle of muscle fibers
  20. 32. One neuron and all of the muscle fibers it synapses with is called a _____ unit
  21. 34. Type of muscle contraction in which the length of the muscle changes but the tension stays the same
  22. 35. The connective tissue covering of a fascicle
  23. 36. An bag-like organelle that holds substances (such as acetylcholine) inside a cell