The Skeletal System

  1. 2. adjective form of thorax
  2. 4. inner membrane layer of the bone
  3. 6. dense, flexible connective tissue
  4. 8. pain in the arm
  5. 9. adjective from of synovial, a synonym for synovial fluid
  6. 12. shaft of the long bone
  7. 17. adjective describing the vertebrae (L1-L5) in the lower spinal column
  8. 18. bones two of the six main cranial bones
  9. 19. fingers
  10. 20. bone a facial bone(nose)
  1. 1. bone formed from five vertebrae fused together near the base of the spinal column
  2. 3. bone formation
  3. 5. the heel bone
  4. 7. process bony, dagger like structure at the lower end of the sternum
  5. 10. bending a joint
  6. 11. bony protrusion on either side of the ankle
  7. 13. the long bone extending from the shoulder to the elbow
  8. 14. having to do with an arm
  9. 15. fracture break in the bone where the bone comes through the skin; open fracture
  10. 16. the bone above the upper teeth