The Skeletal System

  1. 4. A unit of bone containing central canal and matrix rings
  2. 6. The Rings around the central canal and sites of lacunae
  3. 11. Bones that consist of cancellous tissue enclosed within a thin layer of compact bone and erve various purposes in the body, such as protection of nervous tissue, affording multiple anchor points for skeletal muscle attachment, and maintaining pharynx and trachea support, and tongue attachment
  4. 13. Bone marrow that is fat and is found at the ends of long bones in adults
  5. 14. Type of bone tissue that is small needle-like pieces of bone and many open spaces
  6. 15. Bones that are generally cube-shape, and contain mostly spongy bone. Example: Carpals Tarsals
  7. 16. Mature bone cells
  8. 17. The process of laying down new bone material by cells called osteoblasts
  9. 18. The shaft of a long bone
  10. 19. The various canals in bone that transmit blood vessels from the periosteum into the bone
  11. 22. The end of a long bone that is originally separated from the main bone by a layer of cartilage but through the process of ossification it later becomes united to the main bone.
  12. 24. Allows lengthwise growth of long bones during childhood
  13. 25. The cavities containing osteocytes and are arranged in concentric rings
  14. 26. Composed of 126 bones; Limbs (appendages) Pectoral girdle & Pelvic girdle
  15. 27. Bones that are made up of a layer of spongy bone between two thin layers of compact bonewith a flattened shape (not rounded) . Examples: the skull and ribs. They also have marrow, but not a bone marrow cavity.
  16. 28. Bone marrow in children and some adult bones that is required for the formation of red blood
  17. 29. Type of bone tissue that is homogeneous
  18. 30. The dense fibrous membrane that covers the surface of bones except at the joints and serves as an attachment for muscles and tendons.
  1. 1. Important surface features that allow for the identification of the bone
  2. 2. The bones that together comprise the skull and the vertebral column
  3. 3. The thin layer of cells lining the medullary cavity of a bone.
  4. 5. Bones that are typically longer than they are wide, have a shaft with heads at both ends and contain mostly compact bone. Examples: Femur Humerus
  5. 7. Covers the ends of the bones
  6. 8. The formation of blood or of blood cells in the living body
  7. 9. Collagenous fibers that pass from the periosteum and are embedded in the outer circumferential and interstitial lamellae of bone
  8. 10. The opening in the center of an osteon that carries blood vessels and nerves
  9. 12. Any one of numerous small round bony masses embedded in certain tendons that may be subjected to compression and tension
  10. 20. The destroying cells: Breaks down bone matrix for remodeling and release of calcium in response to parathyroid hormone
  11. 21. Tiny canals that radiate from the central canal to lacunae and form a transport system connecting all bone cells to a nutrient supply
  12. 23. The central cavity of bone shafts where red bone marrow and/or yellow bone marrow is stored