The Skeletal System

  1. 4. There are ____ true ribs. (number)
  2. 5. What bone has a hemispherical head that articulates with the glenoid cavity of the scapula?
  3. 10. Ribs that are not directly connected to the transverse process of the vertebrae are called ____ ____ ribs.
  4. 11. How many vertebrae are located in the thoracic section of the spine
  5. 13. A slit through a bone. Can be located on the skull.
  6. 14. A rounded knob that articulated with another bone.
  7. 15. What bones make up the wrist?
  8. 16. A tubular passage or tunnel in a bone.
  1. 1. The three main parts of the pelvic include the ilium, ____ and the pubis.
  2. 2. A shallow, broad or elongated basin.
  3. 3. Any bone prominence.
  4. 6. The tibia is medial to the fibula? True or false.
  5. 7. The prominent expanded end of a bone, sometimes rounded.
  6. 8. What are the beginning letters for the acronym of the carpals?
  7. 9. Is the hamulus of the hamate visible in the anterior or posterior view of the wrist?
  8. 10. Do males or females have a larger pelvic brim?
  9. 12. The ____ is located superior to the Axis on the spine.
  10. 15. The most inferior part of the spine is the ____.