The Solar System

  1. 4. a ______ is made from dust and ice. If it flies close to the sun it warms up and starts to release gasses. This is called gassing.
  2. 7. in space this gas can be a liquid, as one of Saturn's moons called Titan, rains liquefied _______.It is used as a natural gas for a stove.
  3. 9. at night he saw a bright patch in the night sky made of gas and dust, and knew it was a ______
  4. 14. you would use a ____________ if you want to make a diagram of something very large. You would have a key that says the ratio between the physical diagram and how big the thing actually is
  5. 15. ____________ orbit around the Earth and are useful as they give images for maps from an aerial view and even record your location.
  6. 17. small particles of matter distributed throughout space.
  7. 19. I decided to study _________ as I am interested in the physical universe
  8. 21. scientists use the _______ of a planet to predict what could happen in the future
  9. 22. a ______ is a piece of matter from space that enters the Earth's atmosphere and creates a fireball or shooting star.
  10. 23. a ______ contains many solar systems
  11. 24. the the route that the Earth takes around the sun is an ____.
  1. 1. the Greeks used patterns and groups of stars with a geometric shape and named different ones of what they looked like, e.g. scorpion.
  2. 2. the sun mainly consists of ________ as it is 92.1% ________
  3. 3. how far light can travel in one year
  4. 5. a ________ contains clusters of galaxies
  5. 6. planet Earth is in a solar ______
  6. 8. there are 8 _______ in our solar system. They include, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
  7. 10. the shape of the orbit axis that the Earth takes around the sun is an __________ shape.
  8. 11. the eight planets in our solar system _____ the sun
  9. 12. _______ keeps us flat on the ground as it battles against the Earth's core
  10. 13. the most amount of ________ that can happen in a year is 7, they include lunar and solar ________
  11. 14. the sun is the ____ that we revolve around in our solar system. Fun fact, 2MASS J2126 is a planet that revolves around its parent ____ at 1 trillion kilometres away, its orbit length is around 900,000 years.
  12. 16. the ISS (International Space Station) is a space _______
  13. 18. scientists believe that the moon was formed after an ________ hit the Earth
  14. 20. the scientists got data on whether UY Scuti would become a supernova or not from their _____. Fun fact, ______ don't have astronauts inside them.