The Solar System

  1. 2. The only planet where life can exist.
  2. 5. The twin planet of the earth.
  3. 7. This planet is made up of seven rings.
  4. 8. Known as the coldest planet in the solar System.
  5. 9. The biggest planet in the solar system.
  6. 10. The highest and largest mountain in the solar system.
  7. 12. Mars is known as red planet because of this.
  1. 1. The reason why Neptune is color blue.
  2. 2. Total number of planets in the solar system.
  3. 3. The fastest planet to finish one revolution.
  4. 4. This is the only planet that spins on its side.
  5. 6. The name of the star in the solar system.
  6. 11. This planet has 2 moons only.