The Solar System
- 4. The area where Pluto is located
- 5. How many asteroids are discovered each month(2 words)
- 7. What may cause asteroids to break up
- 9. Asteroids that cross the Earths orbit(2 words)
- 10. Direction a comet tail always points in relation to the Sun
- 13. What would happen if Saturn were put in a giant bathtub
- 14. Also known as falling or shooting stars
- 16. What happens when Earth passes through a comet tail(2 words)
- 17. Olympus Mons compared to Mt.Everest(3 words)
- 23. Only planet known to have life
- 25. The kind of pull that Neptune has on Uranus
- 32. The type of acid in the clouds of Venus
- 33. Where short-period comets come from(2 words)
- 35. Closest planet to the Sun
- 37. Planet named after the god of the sea
- 38. How many times is the air pressure on Venus compared to the Earth
- 39. Planet most likely to be visited first by humans
- 40. Largest planet in the Solar System
- 41. Planet most famous for its rings
- 1. Planet with the strongest winds
- 2. What causes a meteor to vaporize
- 3. Process that makes Venus so hot (2 words)
- 6. Substance that gives Mars its red color
- 8. The biggest moon in the Solar System
- 11. A substance in the clouds of Jupiter
- 12. Why Mercury has such long days(2 words)
- 15. Where long-period comets come from(2 words)
- 18. How many Earth days make up a year on Mercury(2 words)
- 19. Rocks from space that hit the surface of the Earth
- 20. Writer that has moons named after his characters
- 21. Rocky bodies usually located between Mars and Jupiter
- 22. Moon of Jupiter that may have liquid water
- 24. What causes the gaps in Saturns rings
- 26. Type of machines moving on the Martian surface right now
- 27. Planet closest in size to the Earth
- 28. A moon that orbits its planet opposite to how the planets goes
- 29. Moon with an atmosphere much like an early Earth
- 30. The unusual way that Uranus rotates
- 31. The mass of Pluto compared to our Moon(2 words)
- 34. Planet most joked about
- 35. Gas that causes Uranus to look blue-green
- 36. A moon of Pluto