The Stage & Its Equipment - Risa , Megan , Kavian , Dina

  1. 4. To dismantle a set of scenery, furniture or prop from stage
  2. 5. An actor who learns lines and blocking for a role being ready to take over in times where there is case of illness etc.
  3. 8. Area used by performers and technicians to travel from stage left to right out of the sight of the audience.
  4. 10. Desk A console equipped with communications from which the deputy stage manager prompts and runs the show technically
  5. 11. The crosspiece in the frame of a flat
  6. 12. An auditorium entrance or exit up through banked seating from below.
  7. 15. Wall Imaginary wall of a set through which the audience sees the stage.
  8. 17. Bay Area where props/equipment are loaded on/off a vehicle
  9. 18. The marking of the position of a set piece on the stage floor , usually with tape.
  10. 19. 3 pin wire
  1. 1. A raised platform used to create levels on stage
  2. 2. Room Rest area for cast and crew, especially for the consumption of food and drinks
  3. 3. Sometimes known as the 'house'
  4. 4. The first rehearsal without any acting or movement between the cast of an opera or musical and the orchestra.
  5. 6. Also describes a basic lighting state that the audience sees before the action begins.
  6. 7. Bar Aluminium or steel barrel about 2” in diameter to which lighting or scenery can be attached
  7. 9. Translation projected onto narrow screen above proscenium
  8. 13. A circular stage area capable of being turned by mechanism.
  9. 14. between the acting area and the side walls of the stage wing
  10. 16. The carpet laid down in the wings to deaden the sound of footsteps