The Stewlyweds

  1. 1. Cats name
  2. 5. Position they played in college
  3. 6. City we lived in following college
  4. 7. Hannah's zodiac sign
  5. 8. Favorite day of the week
  6. 12. Our first date
  7. 14. Cody's favorite hobby
  8. 16. Our everyday shoes
  9. 17. The country we want to visit the most
  10. 21. Go to grocery store
  11. 23. Hannah's favorite singer
  12. 25. How many nieces and nephews do we have
  13. 27. Company Cody works at
  14. 28. Our we morning or evening people
  1. 2. How many months apart in age are we
  2. 3. Street we live on
  3. 4. favorite restaurant
  4. 8. Car Hannah drives
  5. 9. Years we have been together
  6. 10. Said I love you first (bride/groom)
  7. 11. Cody's drink of choice
  8. 13. Location of proposal
  9. 15. Cody's eye color
  10. 17. Hannah's Favorite dessert
  11. 18. Sunday night activity
  12. 19. National parks visited so far
  13. 20. College mascot
  14. 22. Favorite activity to do together
  15. 24. Hannah's liquor of choice
  16. 26. Cody's middle name