The Thompson Family

  1. 2. "See ya later"
  2. 4. another nightly occurrence done by one specific individual
  3. 5. "Father, could I please have the ___"
  4. 6. frequently pushed by the kids; moms
  5. 8. forbidden action in the house
  6. 9. its not garbage, its ___
  7. 11. staple food in one's diet
  8. 12. nightly occurrence
  9. 17. Common phrase associated with a state
  10. 18. born in 1978
  11. 20. "CHA CHA CHA CHA CHA"
  12. 21. rare resource often hiked too
  1. 1. paw patrol
  2. 3. nickname for a member of the family
  3. 5. adjective describing a member of the family
  4. 7. "This item is like the same item"
  5. 10. alter ego for a family member
  6. 13. you've got to ____! (____!)
  7. 14. new word in a family members vocabulary, due to the negligence of another
  8. 15. mom, momma, ___
  9. 16. everybody owns
  10. 19. favorite member of the family according to one