The Underground Railroad

  1. 1. Northerners who were caught helping escaped slaves often received large _____________.
  2. 4. The code name for a home where escaped slaves could hide was a __________________.
  3. 5. According to the Fugitive Slave Law video magistrates got paid _____ dollars to rule those accused of running away as slaves, and $5 to rule them as free.
  4. 7. Harriet _________________________ was an escaped slave who became a conductor on the Underground Railroad.
  5. 8. Another name for the North Star is __________________. Escaped slaves used it as a guide to ensure they were heading North to freedom.
  6. 9. A person who served as a guide for escaped slaves was called a ________________________.
  7. 11. People in the _______________ who helped escaped slaves would have faced the most harsh punishments like whipping, hanging, or jail time.
  1. 1. Another name for a runaway slave. There were __________________ Slave Acts created to keep them from escaping.
  2. 2. The _________________ House is in Wisconsin and was a station on the Underground Railroad that can be toured today.
  3. 3. The _________________________ Railroad was a secret route to freedom used by runaway slaves.
  4. 6. An _________________ is a person who hated slavery and wanted it to end.
  5. 9. Slaves often tried to escape to ____________________ because slavery was illegal there and the U.S.Fugitive Slave Laws didn't have to be followed.
  6. 10. Most vocabulary related to the Underground Railroad was in _________ to try and protect those who were involved.