The Underground Railroad Vocabulary Words

  1. 2. religious songs sung by the slaves to lift their spirits and relay coded information
  2. 4. escaped slave and one of the most famous conductors on the Underground Railroad; helped lead over 300 slaves to freedom
  3. 5. a secret network of people and places that helped runaway slaves get to freedom
  4. 6. a person who assisted in the planning and execution of an escape
  5. 7. those who owned slaves
  6. 8. a person running away to avoid being captured
  7. 10. law passed in 1850 requiring that escaped slaves be returned to their owners no matter where in the United States they were found
  8. 12. to make a difference in treatment or favor based on something other than individual merit
  9. 15. people who guided escaped slaves on the Underground Railroad
  10. 16. men who searched for escaped slaves
  11. 17. used by slaves to find their way north and to freedom
  12. 19. people who wanted to end slavery in the United States
  13. 21. the power to do what you want to and not be controlled by another
  14. 22. a person without freedom who is owned by another and is made to work for free
  1. 1. slave states that did not secede from the United States.
  2. 2. people who allowed runaway slaves to hide in their homes
  3. 3. issued by President Lincoln, this document declared that slaves in rebel states were free
  4. 9. a person who made money by finding escaped slaves, capturing them, and returning to owners
  5. 11. to be set free from slavery
  6. 13. buying and selling of African American people for profit
  7. 14. after the Fugitive Slave Act was passed, thousands of slaves escaped to Canada where this law was ineffective
  8. 18. a free or enslaved person hired to assigned the job of labor-management of slaves on a particular farm
  9. 20. a place where fleeing slaves could seek food and shelter