The United Nations

  1. 4. Talking and negotiating instead of fighting to solve problems between countries.
  2. 8. Treating everyone the same and giving everyone the same chances in life, no matter where they are from.
  3. 9. Things that all people deserve, like being treated fairly, having a home, and going to school.
  4. 12. Activities undertaken by the UN to maintain peace and security in conflict zones.
  5. 13. Making sure everyone is treated fairly and has their rights protected.
  6. 14. An international organization made up of countries working together to promote peace and solve global problems.
  7. 15. People who have to leave their homes because of war, violence, or natural disasters, and need help from the UN.
  8. 16. Keeping people safe from harm, like war, violence, and crime.
  1. 1. Going to school to learn new things and become smarter.
  2. 2. Working together with others to achieve common goals and solve problems.
  3. 3. People who help others for free, like doctors, teachers, and aid workers who work with the UN.
  4. 5. Help that the UN gives to people who are in trouble, like food, medicine, and shelter.
  5. 6. Assistance provided by the UN to people in need, such as food, shelter, and medical supplies.
  6. 7. The Earth getting warmer and causing problems like floods, droughts, and storms, which the UN works to stop.
  7. 10. When there is no fighting or war.
  8. 11. Meetings where leaders from different countries talk to solve problems peacefully instead of fighting.
  9. 12. People who work for the UN to stop fighting and keep peace in countries where there is trouble.