The Universe

  1. 2. Ball of gas undergoing fusion reactions.
  2. 5. Large sphere that orbits the Sun or a star.
  3. 7. All of space and everything within it.
  4. 10. Very large rocks in space that orbit the Sun.
  5. 11. Collection of stars, solar systems, and gas.
  6. 12. Anything that has mass and takes up space.
  7. 13. Reactions that produce atoms, light, & heat.
  8. 14. Meteoroids that made it to Earth's surface.
  9. 15. The name given to our own galaxy.
  10. 16. Broken off piece of an asteroid.
  1. 1. Large ball of mostly ice that orbits the Sun.
  2. 2. Giant explosion when a large star collapses.
  3. 3. The building blocks of matter.
  4. 4. The Sun and all objects that orbit the Sun.
  5. 6. Dense area of space with very strong gravity.
  6. 8. Large cloud of gas and dust in space.
  7. 9. Force that pulls objects toward each other.
  8. 12. Meteoroids burning up in our atmosphere.