The Universe Review
- 3. Hottest planet in the solar system
- 5. Type of galaxy that contains new stars
- 10. An evidence for the Big Bang
- 13. Type of galaxy that contains old stars
- 16. Located in between Mars and Jupiter
- 17. The Universe is ___________
- 18. Planet that contains 71% water
- 19. Planet that has the largest storm in the solar system
- 21. Hydrogen atoms crash and form Helium atoms
- 23. Planet that rotates on its side
- 1. Planet that has the largest volcano, Olympus Mons, in the solar system
- 2. Planet with the strongest winds in the solar system
- 4. When a star explodes
- 6. A chart that shows the temperature and absolute magnitude of a star
- 7. Light can't escape it
- 8. Scientific explanation of the beginning of the Universe
- 9. Redshift and Blueshift
- 11. Age of the Universe
- 12. End stage of an average star
- 14. Planet that is looks similar to the Moon
- 15. Type of galaxy with "arms"
- 20. Where stars are born
- 22. 2nd largest planet in the solar system