The Universe Review

  1. 3. Hottest planet in the solar system
  2. 5. Type of galaxy that contains new stars
  3. 10. An evidence for the Big Bang
  4. 13. Type of galaxy that contains old stars
  5. 16. Located in between Mars and Jupiter
  6. 17. The Universe is ___________
  7. 18. Planet that contains 71% water
  8. 19. Planet that has the largest storm in the solar system
  9. 21. Hydrogen atoms crash and form Helium atoms
  10. 23. Planet that rotates on its side
  1. 1. Planet that has the largest volcano, Olympus Mons, in the solar system
  2. 2. Planet with the strongest winds in the solar system
  3. 4. When a star explodes
  4. 6. A chart that shows the temperature and absolute magnitude of a star
  5. 7. Light can't escape it
  6. 8. Scientific explanation of the beginning of the Universe
  7. 9. Redshift and Blueshift
  8. 11. Age of the Universe
  9. 12. End stage of an average star
  10. 14. Planet that is looks similar to the Moon
  11. 15. Type of galaxy with "arms"
  12. 20. Where stars are born
  13. 22. 2nd largest planet in the solar system