The Webroot Crossword Times

  1. 3. (6) James Earl Jones gave his voice to Darth Vader. But what the other iconic and ill fated father figure did he give his voice to?
  2. 8. (9) What does the A stand for in our WSAT product?
  3. 10. (7) See 6 down. Another person also celebrating 2 years soon!
  4. 11. (7) What country has the largest music Festival in the world?
  5. 13. (8) The charity our office donated €4000 to last year. A sound bunch that help the homeless.
  6. 15. (4) The name of the main tool that our Threat team uses?
  7. 17. (8) Five-toed pachyderms
  1. 1. (6,7) Which organization was Kofi Annan appointed Secretary General in 1996?
  2. 2. (10) Where is the main base for Webroot located in Colorado?
  3. 4. (8) What was the next loudest game to occur in the Dublin office after the FIFA room?
  4. 5. (5) Latin American Dance
  5. 6. (7) Who celebrated their 2 year anniversary in the Support team?
  6. 7. (9) Where in Ireland is there a structure that's older than Stonehenge and the Great Pyramids
  7. 9. (5) Who recently won the Galton & Simpson Bursary for Comedy Writing?
  8. 12. (8) Mountain with US Presidents carved on it
  9. 14. (5,4) The location of the last Christmas Party in the Dublin Office
  10. 16. (3,3,4) The obstacle course event that Gar tried pitch every year to the office