The Wordle Alphabet

  1. 1. Astral ...
  2. 4. What preceded a pen
  3. 5. Honest (syn.)
  4. 7. beeg, but not large, like eggs
  5. 9. Scatterbrained (syn.)
  6. 10. The sound a startled person makes, past tense
  7. 12. A company well-known for their printers
  8. 14. You, friend, exposed _____
  1. 1. The stem of a herbaceous plant, or to approach stealthily
  2. 2. Like a soda, not flat
  3. 3. A fallen branch
  4. 4. An uneasy feeling of doubt, typically used as having none
  5. 5. An inlet of the sea, common in Norway and Iceland
  6. 6. An interesting habit in behavior
  7. 8. A type of transport tissue in vascular plants
  8. 10. Emitting light
  9. 11. The closest type of attack
  10. 13. A Welsh instrument, akin to a violin