The Worst Crossword Puzzle of Your Life (Science Version)

  1. 6. gas (99% by mass) and dust (1%)
  2. 9. around March 21st and September 22
  3. 10. using a resource so much to the point it disappears
  4. 12. energy an object posses because of its position in a gravitational field
  5. 13. 23 pairs
  6. 14. the power house of the cell
  7. 17. forms cheek, part of eye bone
  8. 18. study of an animal before they become a baby
  9. 19. Assumptions that natural laws and process apply everywhere in our world
  1. 1. the shape of earths orbit
  2. 2. consuming something
  3. 3. form of radiation that traveled through our universe
  4. 4. transitional metal 111
  5. 5. a lot of species in an area
  6. 7. a wave that vibrates to propagation
  7. 8. technology based on biology
  8. 11. buried erosional surface
  9. 15. ATGC or apple in the tree, garage in the car
  10. 16. Ds 110
  11. 20. the bending of light