The Year in Reading

  1. 4. very smart bird
  2. 6. genre of space cadets
  3. 7. sang in Washington D.C.
  4. 8. means truthful
  5. 10. place where she had to swim to save her own life
  6. 11. wanted to marry the girl
  7. 14. was scared of space cow
  8. 15. wanted to visit for Christmas
  9. 16. didn't drink the water
  1. 1. moved from Cuba to New Jersey
  2. 2. author of Shiloh
  3. 3. wanted to give the beagle a better life
  4. 4. stray tied to a tree in the park
  5. 5. author of Tuck Everlasting
  6. 7. hit the stranger in the head
  7. 9. fell in love with the ranch worker
  8. 11. shot deer out of season
  9. 12. beagle that was not treated nicely
  10. 13. old lady who needed help from O'Brien