
  1. 3. The Optimist's Daughter author
  2. 6. Gravity's Rainbow author
  3. 8. Fight Club author
  4. 10. Herzog author
  5. 11. Satanic Verses author
  6. 13. Catcher in the Rye author
  7. 15. Color Purple author
  8. 16. The Trial author
  9. 20. The Natural author
  10. 22. Cat's Cradle author
  11. 24. Invisible Man author
  12. 25. Mrs Dalloway author
  1. 1. On the Road author
  2. 2. Ragtime author
  3. 4. Blood Meridian author
  4. 5. Sound and the Fury author
  5. 7. An American Dream author
  6. 9. Sun Also Rises author
  7. 12. Blonde author
  8. 14. Go Tell It on the Mountain author
  9. 17. Witches of Eastwick author
  10. 18. The Stranger author
  11. 19. Things Fall Apart author
  12. 21. Song of Solomon author
  13. 23. Lolita author