Theme: ????

  1. 2. Works with metals
  2. 3. Ruler
  3. 5. Medium Starbucks
  4. 10. State, city, and person
  5. 12. A strange smell
  6. 14. Ms. Kuiper
  7. 15. Made of hay
  8. 16. Used to unlock
  9. 19. Vacation ship
  10. 20. Into the _____
  11. 21. Child clothes store
  12. 24. Grows on bushes
  13. 25. Provides spiritual services to the non-religious
  14. 27. Weapon of choice for ancient Greek warriors
  15. 28. Car brand
  16. 29. Crazy; overly enthusiastic
  17. 30. Candy bar
  1. 1. More efficient than gasoline
  2. 2. Smelt some cobblestone and you'll get...
  3. 4. String of flowers
  4. 6. Opposite of 8 down; something is right or wrong
  5. 7. Dirt ingrained into a surface
  6. 8. Opposite of 6 down; something is right or wrong
  7. 9. What do they even say?
  8. 11. Keeps people out
  9. 13. Contains an animal
  10. 17. Fast
  11. 18. Home of Petra
  12. 21. He was pretty great! (Not Alexander)
  13. 22. Smaller than a boulder, bigger than a pebble
  14. 23. Something flowers do
  15. 26. Second largest city in Japan