Theme parks

  1. 2. You can not enter a theme park without buying one.
  2. 5. This attraction makes you feel like you're on a stormy sea - Rrrrr matey!
  3. 8. In this attraction, ghosts, monsters and serial killers will scare you to death.
  4. 12. Something sweet to eat which you can find in different colours: pink, blue, yellow...
  5. 13. An attraction which consists of rails that make tight turns and sometimes loops.
  6. 14. When you're watching this, it feels as if the characters come out of the screen.
  1. 1. Another word for 'line' (mind the spelling!)
  2. 2. I always get nauseous when sitting in the ..., because they keep spinning around at a high speed.
  3. 3. The London Eye is a famous ... in London.
  4. 4. An area where you can pet and feed domesticated animals.
  5. 6. You can take a picture with them and make your childhood dream come true. The most famous one, is for sure Mickey Mouse.
  6. 7. Theme parks are made for ... and friends.
  7. 9. This is the favourite attraction of little children.
  8. 10. Here you can buy food and drinks.
  9. 11. When you're on a roller coaster that makes a loop.