Theology Presentation Activity (Baptism)

  1. 3. The beginning of life, supernatural life.
  2. 6. Original Sin is the absence of something that should be there, that something being a light that is drowned out by darkness
  3. 8. ___ will not force his gift of supernatural life for which he paid.
  4. 9. Jesus instituted the sacrament of Baptism to apply the ____. Which he made in the cross, for original sin.
  5. 10. The supernatural life is absent from thr soul because the supernatural life is a direct result of God’s personal and intimate ___.
  1. 1. Due to ___, our soul is already naturally dead when we are born
  2. 2. When we are born, we are brought into this world with only the natural ___ of human nature.
  3. 4. Baptism is the ___ of regeneration through water in the word
  4. 5. He hold the gift out to us, though each of us much freely accept it.
  5. 7. the atonement is applied to each individual __.