Theoretical Frameworks & Nursing

  1. 6. nursing theories are by design all inclusive conceptual structures used as conceptual bases for practice and research, and are tested in research studies.
  2. 7. nursing theories have been developed and tested via the rigors of research. They act as frameworks for research and contain a limited number of concepts.
  3. 8. definition acts to describe and/or define the general meaning of a concept to aid understanding and level set.
  4. 10. specific theories describe a small aspect of processes and phenomena.
  5. 11. designs aid in the generation of theories as an outcome of a research study
  6. 12. designs are used when a researcher is testing a theory.
  7. 13. research is also called nonexperimental research.
  8. 14. is built from multiple concepts to fit a purpose.
  1. 1. this definition acts to define how a concept can be measured.
  2. 2. is a symbolic representation of an abstract idea
  3. 3. allow for visualization of concepts including identifiable interrelationships.
  4. 4. is a form of theory testing research using a theory to formulate the hypothesis and it is then tested via experimental methods.
  5. 5. concepts provide a systematic view of a phenomenon are referred to as a theory.
  6. 9. act to identify key concepts and describes their relationships to one another.