Theories and Theorists in Human Development

  1. 3. responsible for operant conditioning theory
  2. 4. stage one of erikson's theory- essential that primary caregiver establishes this
  3. 7. believes that culture/social environment determines behavior
  4. 8. theory based on belief that people's behavior is determined by forces in environment
  5. 9. is responsible for the theory of cognitive development
  6. 12. created the heinz dilemma
  7. 13. to view the world in relation to oneself
  8. 17. developed a theory with 8 stages where one must resolve a conflict
  9. 19. responsible for social cognitive theory
  10. 21. bandura used this in his experiment to demonstrate the social cognitive theory
  11. 22. kohlberg's theory identifies decisions that are based on these
  12. 23. level that child can learn with help
  1. 1. theory with ideas about how people process info/learn
  2. 2. showing child how to perform task by demonstrating
  3. 5. theory based on belief that dev. is unconscious
  4. 6. permanence knowing that an object exists even when hidden
  5. 10. developed theory of classical conditioning
  6. 11. concept requiring logical thinking skills
  7. 14. ability to be sensitive and understanding to others thoughts, feelings, experiences
  8. 15. when a child repeats what an adult does
  9. 16. pioneer in psychoanalytic theory
  10. 18. type of conditioning where behavior is associated with emotional response
  11. 20. providing help until child is confident