Theories of Aging- Destiney Fortson

  1. 3. combines somatic, free radical & crosslink
  2. 5. theory that proposes that development continues throughout life by a process of searching, questioning and setting goals
  3. 7. best known theories to nursing
  4. 10. genetic material will run out
  5. 11. DNA damage caused by exposure to chemicals or radiation
  6. 13. theory that identifies the task of aging including coping, redirecting, accepting and developing
  1. 1. unstable molecules
  2. 2. finite number or breaths or heartbeats
  3. 4. chemical interactions set off by the hypothalamus
  4. 6. theories proposing aging is a process that occurs because of cell damage
  5. 8. certain biologic clock to follow
  6. 9. environmental damage that accumulates over time
  7. 12. DNA & connective tissue interact with free radicals