Theories of crime

  1. 2. Social _________ - When the law is not aligned with the feelings and values of the majority, we must think about changing it.
  2. 3. Social _________ - When horrific crimes have been committed the whole community joins together.
  3. 5. What is seen as criminal behaviour varies from society to society and over time.
  4. 8. One of the four social bonds - Someone who is intensively occupied by conventional activities has less time and opportunity to engage in deviant behaviour.
  5. 11. Crime will always exist, it can be reduced, but not eliminated.
  6. 12. Boundary ________ - When a crime occurs and individuals are punished it becomes clear to the rest of society that the particular action concerned is unacceptable.
  1. 1. Sociologist that believed that status frustration led to crime and deviance.
  2. 2. One of the four social bonds - The level of dedication invested in social standards and goals.'
  3. 4. Deviant, but not criminal response to the American dream. It includes giving up on trying to achieve the American dream.
  4. 6. One of the four social bonds - Describes the strength of the bonds and relationships that exist with an individual’s social environment.
  5. 7. Crimes that do provide a benefit to the criminal e.g. money.
  6. 9. Criminal response to strain, trying to replace the American dream with another set of values. They have rejected both the goals and means.
  7. 10. Sociologist that believed that your social bonds stopped you from committing crime.