Theories of Personality

  1. 4. The proponent of the Social Cognitive Theory.
  2. 5. A disposition that shows general characteristics that are found in every person.
  3. 7. Something that a person strives for in order to detach from the feeling of inferiority.
  4. 8. The proponent of a theory where people are continuously motivated by one need or another.
  5. 10. The proponent of Existential Theory.
  6. 12. Focuses on the role of the individual’s conscious life experience and choices in personality development
  7. 16. A ​set of related assumptions that allows scientists to use ​logical deductive reasoning to formulate testable hypotheses.
  8. 17. The dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his characteristic behavior and thought. (Gordon Allport)
  9. 19. Refers to a person’s expectation that some specific reinforcement or set of reinforcements will occur in a given situation.
  10. 20. Unacceptable or threatening impulses or feelings are seen as originating with someone else, usually the target of the impulses or feelings.
  1. 1. Effects of environment on behavior.
  2. 2. An intimate non-sexual friendship between two people.
  3. 3. In Jung’s Analytical Psychology, it is the turning outward of psychic energy so that a person is oriented toward the objective and away from the subjective.
  4. 6. Latin for “mask.”
  5. 9. In Horney’s Psychoanalytic Social Theory, it is one of the protective strategies/devices where they detach themselves to others so as not to feel anxious.
  6. 11. In the theory Person-Centered Therapy, it is a part of Incongruence in the Barriers to Psychological Health where it is a state of uneasiness of tension whose cause is unknown.
  7. 13. Surrendering of one’s individuality in order to meet the wishes of others.
  8. 14. An archetype by Carl Jung that represents qualities we do not wish to acknowledge and attempt to hide from ourselves and others. (Analytical Psychology)
  9. 15. Focuses on the role of the unconscious mind in the development of personality.
  10. 18. In Horney’s Psychoanalytic Social Theory about the intrapsychic conflicts, it addresses one’s conflict by painting a god-like picture of himself/herself.