Theory prject

  1. 6. a reapeated pitch pattern
  2. 7. melody and accompaniment
  3. 9. a mixture of sequence and repetition
  4. 10. reocurring rhythmic pattern
  5. 13. short reoccurring figure
  6. 15. harmonic and rhythmic support functions are combined
  7. 16. substantial musical thought
  8. 17. Two or more lines moving independently
  9. 18. two adjacent phrases combine
  1. 1. only diatonic notes of the scale are repeated
  2. 2. simplest texture type in music
  3. 3. similar rhythmic material in all parts
  4. 4. most important line in musical texture
  5. 5. the immediate restatement of a figure in the same instrument
  6. 8. pedal tones or repeated melodic and rhthmic figures
  7. 11. two phrases are not similar in melodic content
  8. 12. lines less significant than the melody
  9. 14. assisting the melody with chord tones