Thermal Energy and Efficiency (5.3 and 5.4)

  1. 2. Radiation may be reflected, transmitted, or _________
  2. 4. A bushfire produces large amounts of _______ heat
  3. 5. Can an object catch fire before bushfire flames reach it?
  4. 8. The unit of household energy consumption is the _________-hour
  5. 9. Best protection from too much radiant heat.
  6. 12. -273 is _________ zero
  7. 13. The sun radiates mainly __________ radiation
  8. 15. An incandescent globe radiates visible light and what other kind of EM radiation?
  9. 16. The things that carry the energy in the EM spectrum
  10. 17. A measure of how much energy is transformed into the desired type
  11. 18. Bushfire radiation can overwhelm your body's cooling _________ system
  1. 1. Thermal energy can radiate through this
  2. 2. BAL stands for bushfire ________ level
  3. 3. Any form of radiation can be produced by heating an object to the right __________
  4. 6. Clouds can either _________ or absorb the sun's radiation
  5. 7. What kind of lines does bushfire radiation travel in?
  6. 10. To see the efficiency of a electrical item, look at its energy _______ sticker
  7. 11. This has a temperature of about 6000 degrees
  8. 14. Radiation is energy that travels through another substance without _______ it