things around us and colors
- 3. "ungu" in English is
- 5. "merah muda" in English is
- 6. "hijau" in English is
- 8. to know the time(waktu)
- 10. to carry(membawa) books
- 11. "biru" in English is
- 13. to sweep(menyapu) the floor
- 14. "kuning" in English is
- 15. to warm(menghangatkan) the body
- 17. to put clothes(pakaian)
- 18. "hitam" in English is
- 1. to fry(menggoreng) a food
- 2. "merah" in English is
- 4. "abu-abu" in English is
- 5. tool(alat) for writing(menulis)
- 7. use after(sesudah) take a bath(mandi)
- 9. use to cut(memotong) vegetables
- 11. "coklat" in English is
- 12. tool(alat) for eating
- 16. to brush(menyikat) your teeth(gigi)