Things Fall Apart

  1. 2. Okonkwo's oldest son, age twelve at the book's beginning. He is innately a sensitive young man.
  2. 4. Okonkwo's father, known for his weakness and lack of responsibility.
  3. 8. exceptional or superior ability, skill, or strength.
  4. 9. Amusement or laughter.
  5. 13. The Igbo term for a person who has declined, as in morals or character, from a type or standard considered normal.
  6. 14. The Igbo term for disturb or disquiet greatly in mind; agitate; annoy.
  7. 15. dexterous; nimble; skillful; clever.
  8. 17. beginning to exist or appear; in an initial stage:
  9. 18. The Igbo term for to change for the better; improve
  10. 20. Okonkwo's best friend, who often represents the voice of reason.
  1. 1. habitually doing nothing or avoiding work; lazy.
  2. 3. main character, leader of the Igbo Community.
  3. 5. to make amends or reparation, as for an offense or a crime, or for an offender.
  4. 6. The Igbo term for shameless or brazenly immodest.
  5. 7. requiring great exertion; laborious; difficult.
  6. 10. to represent fictitiously; put on an appearance of; to fake.
  7. 11. subject to, led by, or indicative of a sudden, odd notion or unpredictable.
  8. 12. someone who shows remorse or contrition for one's past actions or sins.
  9. 16. The Igbo term for a vicious or depraved person; villain.
  10. 19. Okonkwo's second wife; the mother of Ezinma, her only living child.