Things These Days

  1. 2. The season it is now.
  2. 4. A holiday celebrating Jesus coming back to life.
  3. 6. Week that starts with Showa Emperor's birthday.
  4. 7. I can relax when I play this instrument.
  5. 8. Something you have to wear to school or work.
  6. 9. Hay fever make us do this a lot.
  1. 1. These days the daylight is getting
  2. 2. What we call 'Mikan' in the UK.
  3. 3. Blossoms known as 'Sakura' in Japan.
  4. 4. Ceremony when you join a new school.
  5. 5. Oh no my hat blew away because it is very
  6. 6. When you complete school or a course.