THL 09 - Bible 2.3 and 3.1

  1. 5. The descendants of Abraham and Sarah who become known as the Israelites after the Exodus and who later were called Judeans or Jews (two words).
  2. 7. The name ___ comes from the Hebrew word for ‘man’.
  3. 8. The collection of books of the Bible that the Church recognizes as the inspired Word of God.
  4. 10. A Hebrew word meaning “law,” referring to the first five books of the Old Testament.
  5. 13. These books in the Old Testament are characterized by poetry and practical advice on what it means to be wise and deal with themes such as suffering, patience, self-control, etc.
  6. 15. In the first creation account, once God creates humanity he deems that creation is ___ (two words).
  7. 17. The early Greek translation of the Old Testament.
  8. 20. The land promised to Abraham and his descendants; also called the Promised Land.
  9. 23. The Latin translation of the Bible put together by St. Jerome.
  10. 24. Meaning “father”, in Theology this refers to fathers to a people in faith.
  11. 26. These books in the Old Testament tell about Jewish history and point to the saving action of God in the lives of the Israelites.
  12. 28. The second coming of Christ as judge of all the living and the dead, at the end of time, when the Kingdom of God will be fulfilled.
  13. 30. The first book of the Bible; it explains our origins as people of faith.
  1. 1. These books in the Old Testament contain messages from religious reformers whom God called to challenge the people of Israel to change their sinful ways.
  2. 2. This is a mutual promise and commitment and forms a relationship; an example is one between God and Abraham.
  3. 3. God gives ___ over creation to humanity as humanity is God’s highest creation.
  4. 4. The time before the invention of writing and recording of historical data is ___ History.
  5. 6. Belief in multiple gods or goddesses.
  6. 9. Through Original Sin, the first humans and their descendants lost their original ___ and became subject to death.
  7. 11. All people are living beings made up of both a physical body and an immortal ___.
  8. 12. The man and woman made clothes from this kind of leaf in Genesis 3.
  9. 14. In the second creation account, the last thing that God creates is ___.
  10. 16. God took this from the man to create the woman in the second creation story.
  11. 18. A Greek word meaning “five books,” referring to the first five books of the Old Testament.
  12. 19. The first five books of the Old Testament, which are also called the books of the Law or the Torah (three words).
  13. 21. The name given to Jacob which means “God-wrestler”.
  14. 22. The name ___ comes from the Hebrew word for ‘life’.
  15. 25. God promised that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky.
  16. 27. In the Book of Genesis, there are two ___ accounts, each describing aspects of God’s creative ability.
  17. 29. God made the man and woman clothes from this in Genesis 3.