Three day road cross word

  1. 3. Thrown in war that explodes
  2. 5. Type of winter storm
  3. 7. Type of game bird
  4. 8. Used to dull pain in world war 1
  5. 9. Smoked by the men in world war 1
  6. 13. Type of sniper rifle used in world war 1
  7. 15. Type of alcohol
  1. 1. Helps to heal people
  2. 2. Clan Type of first nations clan
  3. 4. Allies during world war 1 with the Canadians
  4. 6. Type of first nations
  5. 10. Main enemy in world war 1
  6. 11. Catches and skins wild animals for fur.
  7. 12. Used to keep warm at night or in cold times.
  8. 14. Used to help identify and kill enemies in war