Three Macronutrients

  1. 1. also known as essential amino acids
  2. 6. not eatings enough carbs can result in
  3. 8. a complex carb found in bread
  4. 10. is stored in the liver and muscles
  5. 11. comes from animal food
  6. 14. is a simple carb and sweet
  7. 15. nuts, seeds and corn oil are
  1. 1. considered incomplete protein
  2. 2. fish and flax seed are
  3. 3. can cause heart disease and type 2 diabetes
  4. 4. comes from plant food
  5. 5. number of calories in a carb gram
  6. 7. number of calories in protein gram
  7. 9. number of calories in a fat gram
  8. 12. comes from commercial prepared/processed food
  9. 13. considered complete protein