Tic Tac Bingo #2

  1. 3. The last name of the man who claimed there will never be a woman grand master
  2. 6. Waverly's mom's English can be referred to as this adjective, typically describing something that was smashed or shattered
  3. 7. Where Waverly and her family are living
  4. 9. Waverly said her bedroom was too much of this word and therefore she couldn't focus
  5. 10. Waverly says it is essential to have this kind of understanding of all possible moves
  1. 1. The color that her Mom's "attacks" (chess pieces) are
  2. 2. What Waverly called chess moves she learned
  3. 4. Where Waverly and her mom are walking when Waverly runs away from her
  4. 5. The business next to the pharmacy in the alleyway
  5. 8. By Waverly's ___ birthday she was a national chess champion