vetcor-borne Diseases

  1. 2. horn/face fly of cattle; bigger issue in cattle - reproduce in manure, but can affect horses house near cattle too; cs - ventral midline dermatitis, fairly focal lesions with wheals/crusts, non pruritic
  2. 4. vector for habronema muscae, stomoxys calcitrans
  3. 6. vector for onchocerca cervicalis that causes dermatitis in cattle/horses due to hypersensitivity of dying microfilaria; CS - diamond shaped lesions/bulls eye on head, ocular lesions (uveitis, conjunctivitis, keratitis) due to aberrant migration, ventral midline dermatitis; non seasonal/nonpruritic; tx - ivermectin
  4. 7. cochliomyia hominivorax; eradicated from US by releasing sterile males(reportable); CS- myiasis: eggas laid in wounds, may see metallic blue-green fly leaving wound
  5. 14. most economically important in swine; severely pruritic, hyperkeratotic ear lesions; decreased growth, dec milk production (cow), hide damage; horse- around the neck and ears; ZOONOTIC & REPORTABLE; tx - ivermectin
  6. 15. cat disease transmitted by dermacentor that rapidly progresses and almost 100% fatal causing dark urine, icterus, fever, prolonged CRT DIC and anemia characterized by ring shaped organism in RBC or schizonts in organ
  7. 17. cattle, (+dogs/horses) malaria like parasite transmitted by boophilus ticks. causes RBC destruction. greyhounds and pibbles are predisposed
  8. 18. cats and dogs become infected by close contact with rodents (esp rabbits) ZOONOTIC, CS are depression, fever, anorexia, lymphadenopathy, oral ulceration
  9. 20. lay term for culicoides hypersensitivity type 1 due to the saliva of the gnat; common in warm months (seasonal) and worsens with age. vector for blue tongue & onchocerca. tx - dec exposure and steroids
  10. 22. warble/heel fly attaches eggs to hairs on feet of cattle/horses, L1 burrows/hatch into skin; bovis migrates to epidural fat of SC; lineatum migrates to esophagus; both cause nodules with a pore on the top; tx - ivermectin in early fall
  11. 23. disease caused by ehrlichia ruminantium transmitted by amblyomma causing fatal encephalitis in sheep/goats/cattle
  12. 24. dictyocaulus viviparous in horses; dx w/tracheal wash, baermann fecal analysis; tx - fenbendazole/ivermectin/levamisole/albendazole
  13. 25. cattle disease causing extra vascular hemolysis with no hemoglobinuria. new additions to herd are weak, depressed, staring into space, pale/icteric
  14. 26. clinical signs are the same as ehrlichia but are gone in 2 weeks, transmitted by dermacentor aka rickettsia rickettsii
  15. 27. cattle are IH, prevent by eliminating carnivore feces from the area; s. hirsuta (cat), hominis (human), cruzi (dog); lifecycle - carnivore eats cow with cysts in muscle which form sporocysts shed in feces, eaten by cows which then hatch and invade muscle in form of cysts in 10 weeks
  1. 1. lay term for habronema muscae = stomach worm; larvae migrate and emerge creating granulomatous lesions (eye, genitalia, lower extremities), gastritis, eosinophilic granulomas
  2. 3. vector for trypanosomiasis; nagana in cattle & sleeping sickness in humans
  3. 5. transmitted by ixodes from usually white-footed mouse, humans have CLM, dogs get arthritis, lymphadenopathy, fever and anorexia aka borrelia burgdorferi
  4. 6. equine mange mite that causes lesions near the foot and fetlock (esp draft horses) - see on head/neck/withers; dx - skin scrape; only form of manage that isn’t reportable; causes colic/death in horses
  5. 8. species affected by oestrus ovis - a fly that deposits larvae in nostrils causing sneezing/head shaking/nose rubbing/nasal discharge/stridor; cytology - eosinophils and mast cells; tx ivermectin
  6. 9. 6 legged, type of lice in cows, hematopinus; causes severe anemia in calves 2-7mo; dx via skin scrape
  7. 10. aka foothills abortion, transmitted by ornithodoros coriaceus; aborted fetus shows enlarged lymph nodes/spleen, destructive lesion to thymus
  8. 11. transmitted by a soft tick found in swine that causes fever, inappetance, hemorrhages in skin of ears, acute death
  9. 12. melophagus ovinus, have 6 legs - wingless flies and adults feed on blood; CS - pruritis, stained wool, potentially anemia
  10. 13. the definitive host for a horse lung worm (d. arnfeldi), seen in horses housed near these animals
  11. 16. transmitted by amblyomma and rhipicephalus causing fever, anorexia, edema of limbs, joint pain, depression, oral vesicles, petechiae, aqueous flare, hypoALB inc ALP
  12. 19. neospora caninum causes what in cattle 4-6months of gestation; dog is DH; usually see autolysis of fetus with granulomas in the brain
  13. 21. “eye worm” spread by musca autumnalis (facefly of horse); tx - removing manually then add 10% levamisole drops