Tidye pickett

  1. 2. Park she attended the _________________ District when she was younger
  2. 5. In __________ Pickett ran on a world-record setting 4×110 yard relay team
  3. 6. two she was _______ when she died
  4. 7. month she died in
  5. 8. states contry she represented in the olympics
  6. 9. country other than the united states were she was Racially profiled by Adolf Hitler
  7. 10. her friend( african american) that was also on the track team she was on
  1. 1. she lived down the street from______________ park
  2. 3. year she did the 80 metre hurdles in the olympics
  3. 4. her dad was _______ pickett
  4. 6. her mother was ______ pickett