Tik-Tak-Toe Terms

  1. 4. an amount or quantity in excess of what is needed
  2. 5. A plan used to decide the amount of money that can be spent and how it will be spent
  3. 7. Goal goals that take more than a year to accomplish
  4. 9. Income the amount of money that households have available for spending and saving after income taxes have been accounted for
  5. 10. Plan used to determine the cash flow of an individual or family; helps outline where income is earned and expenses are incurred
  6. 13. To have a strong feeling to have
  7. 14. what is required
  8. 15. An amount that is less than the amount that is needed
  9. 17. Fund an account that is used to set aside funds to be used in an emergency, such as the loss of a job, an illness or a major expense
  10. 20. Goal goals that usually take three to six months—but can take up to 12 months—to accomplish
  11. 21. Income portion of a household’s income available for saving or spending on non-essentials
  1. 1. Cost the value of the best option or alternative given up in a trade-off
  2. 2. Goal goals that can be achieved in less than three months
  3. 3. Income the sum of all the incomes received by an individual or household during a given period
  4. 6. Budget A situation in financial planning or the budgeting process where total revenues are equal to or greater
  5. 8. something that you are trying to do or achieve
  6. 11. Yourself First setting aside a portion of income to save before the bills are paid, groceries are purchased
  7. 12. Expense expenses that cost the same amount each month
  8. 16. Expense The amount that is spent varies from month-to-month
  9. 18. An item given up in order to gain something else
  10. 19. money that is earned from work, investments, business