Time is Money

  1. 3. The very word “_______” Suggests to most of us something unpleasant, involuntary, even coerced.
  2. 4. “A serious player now means someone who has aspirations to go as high as he can, someone who puts in an incredible amount of time, often at the ______________ of the family”
  3. 5. Ask only if your request does not __________ upon someone.
  4. 7. A theory of management with its main goals to increase labor and improve economic efficiency. Many jobs and homes of today have become _______________
  5. 8. For men who had taken paternity leave they justified it by saying ___________ comes first
  6. 10. Jobs _______ workers for accomplishments but there’s no _______ for unpaid labor.
  7. 11. Many of the men at Sam’s workplace believed that ______________ leave was unnecessary or silly
  8. 13. In her study on reciprocity Karen V. found ________ main rules for asking for help.
  9. 15. Traditionally, “ Family man” meant a good provider, one who demonstrated his love of wife and children by toiling hard at the office or factory, however the term has taken on a negative undertone and tacitly but powerfully calls into question a worker’s _________________
  10. 16. The ________________ magnets beneath home and workplace are in the process of being reversed.
  11. 17. Asking implies recognition of __________ on others.
  12. 18. Many activates formally done at home now go on outside the house as a result of domestic ___________________
  1. 1. Problems at home tend to upset women _______ deeply then problems at work.
  2. 2. Status obligations have meaning and impact only if the kinship is socially _____________
  3. 3. ________ people may feel more comfortable asking for help because from their perspective people owe them.
  4. 6. Karen wanted to study the asking rules of ______________
  5. 9. _______ is money.
  6. 12. Do not ask if you know your request will be ____________
  7. 13. Research shows that work friends can be as important as _______ ____________ in helping both men and women cope with the blows of life.
  8. 14. Although the policy had been in place for two years Sam was the _______ person to use it