time measurement

  1. 4. the 11th monthe.
  2. 7. the 8th monthe.
  3. 9. a period of time, usually consists of 3 monthes.
  4. 13. the fourth day.
  5. 15. a period of 1000 years.
  6. 16. a period of 10 years.
  7. 17. a period of 24 hours.
  8. 18. a period of 365 days.
  9. 21. the second day.
  10. 23. the 9th monthe.
  11. 25. the third day.
  12. 26. the sixth day.
  13. 27. the 7th monthe.
  14. 28. a period of 100 years.
  15. 29. a period of seven days.
  1. 1. the 2nd monthe.
  2. 2. the season of the year between winter and summer lasting from March to June the weather becomes warmer, leaves and plants start to grow again and flowers appear.
  3. 3. the fifth day.
  4. 5. the 10th monthe.
  5. 6. the season of the year between summer and winter, lasting (from September to November) when fruits and crops become ready to eat and are picked, and leaves fall.
  6. 8. the first day.
  7. 10. the season of the year between spring and autumn when the weather is warmest, lasting from June to September.
  8. 11. the first monthe.
  9. 12. the last day.
  10. 14. the 12th monthe.
  11. 19. the season between autumn and spring, lasting from November to March. when the weather is coldest
  12. 20. the 5th monthe.
  13. 22. the 4th monthe.
  14. 24. the 3rd monthe.
  15. 25. a period of 30 days.
  16. 27. the 6th monthe.