Time to Know Stuff

  1. 2. structure in the respiratory system before the bronchi
  2. 7. the other portion of the nervous system that does not contain the brain and spinal cord
  3. 10. two or more cells working together to perform a specific funtion
  4. 12. one gene, many traits
  5. 13. one of the four tissue types
  6. 16. the first enzyme of DNA replication
  7. 17. 4th level of anatomical order
  8. 18. normal life cycle of the cell
  9. 20. the part of the respiratory system actually responsible for gas exchange
  1. 1. the muscles that support the work of the prime mover
  2. 3. an allele that is only expressed when it matches its partner allele
  3. 4. chewing and emulsifying are examples of this type of digestion
  4. 5. the step in mitosis when chromosome pairs line in up the middle of cell
  5. 6. the 2nd largest level of skeletal muscle organization
  6. 8. one gene, one trait
  7. 9. the only non-living pathogen
  8. 11. towards the front in anatomical direction
  9. 14. primary support and structure for the cell
  10. 15. the leathery, skin-like covering on the surface of bone
  11. 16. one of the six requirements for being considered alive
  12. 19. the primary cell type of nervous tissue